Why do I do what I do? Part 1

Why do I do what I do?

I don’t know if you ever thought about this question, or maybe, think as I often do… Why do they keep doing that?

This model, (introduction  in this post)  enables a deeper understanding of what is going on, by describing what drives our behaviour,

Logical Levels Model

The model described here is from the art and science of Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP). Specifically, my knowledge represented here, was gleaned from John Seymour and Robert Dilts. You can use the model with yourself, an individual, a group, a team, an organisation or even a country.


The model works from a premise that behind every human behaviour, there is always positive intent for someone. There are several influences on human behaviour and by understanding what those are, we are better able to facilitate a change in that behaviour, if we so desire.

If you wish to alter behaviour either in one individual (maybe yourself 🙂 ), or an Organisation, then think about each level described here and form a strategy to address it.

Figure 1 Logical Levels

Logical Levels Summary

Environmental factors determine the external opportunities or constraints a person has to react or respond to. Answer to the Questions where? and when?

Behaviour is made up of the specific actions, reactions or responses taken within the environment, what a person says and does. Answer to the question what?

Competency or capability guides and gives direction to behavioural actions through a mental map, plan or strategy. Answer to the question how?

Beliefs and values provide the reinforcement (motivation and permission) that supports or denies capabilities. Answer to the question why?

Identity factors determine overall purpose (mission) and shape beliefs and values through our sense of self. Answer to the Question who?

Spiritual  relates to the fact that we are part of a larger system that reaches beyond ourselves as individuals, family, community, the world and Universe. Answer to the question who, what else?

You may have heard people say , “ I can’t do that (or xxx) here”,  we can relate that to the levels thus:-

I …………Identity
Can’t …Belief
Do ……..Capability
That ….Behaviour
Here ….Environment

If you wish to alter behaviour either in one individual (remembering of course who changes you is you so, who changes them will be them 🙂 ), or an Organisation, then think about each level described here and form a strategy to address it. In fact if you listen closely to people (or yourself 🙂 ), as they express their ‘I can’t do that here,’for where they put an emphasis, it will tell you which level they have a problem, e.g. I can’t do that here, is probably pointing to a lack of skill. Now as Einstein said, the problem will not be resolved at the level it was observed, so we would probably have to work with Identity and beliefs as well as capability.

To be continued in Part 2

Why do I do what I do? Part 2