Structure of this BLOG

Ah yes, structure, again not my strength but necessary 🙂

The purpose of the BLOG is to share my wisdom, knowledge and experience gained over some 70 odd years, the last 25 of which I have worked as a Coach to Executives and many  other individuals. It is my experience that the problems people have are never about actual work, rather they are about people, ourselves and the others.

”Hell is other people” Jean-Paul Sartre

The diagram below is the high level structure, you will see it aligns with Emotional Intelligence, a dictionary definition :-

Emotional Intelligence – Noun :-

the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.

“emotional intelligence is the key to both personal and professional success”



This BLOG will be created  around these three relationships
• Relationship with Self
• Relationship with Others
• Relationship with God
o Note: you may know this as The Source, Essence, Purpose, That which is beyond, Connectedness, Being within all beings, The Universe, Alpha and Omega; there are many definitions. For the purposes of this BLOG I will use God.
If you have each of these relationships understood and working well, then your life will be happy and fulfilled.
If your life is currently not fulfilled in all aspects, then you will find that the ‘answer’ lies in one, two or all of these relationships.
This BLOG will be written using my  wisdom, experience and learning as a Coach and Facilitator, (roles I have held for the last twenty five years)
The insights etc. come from many disciplines, not just one school of thought.
If you like, they are a summation of what I have used to become the real me and what I have used with others to help them become themselves.
You can use the BLOG in many ways and I will endeavour  to appeal to different learning styles.
I have written it from the experience gained on my journey in life. You may want to be thinking of your unique journey as you read through it, perhaps with a focus on what you’ve come to believe about yourself, what patterns seem to be in your thinking and in your life?

Do you want to change anything?

Who changes you? Well, you do. You may be influenced by others, circumstances etc but it is you who changes you, When we ask how does that happen? It is in my experience, through insight, we have an aha moment, which may vary in intensity from a complete epiphany to ah, yes I can do it that way.
This leads me to a caveat covering personal change, in the form of a question
Q) How many psychologists  / coaches does it take to change a light bulb?
A) Only one, but the light bulb has to want to change!
If you do not want, or see any need to change anything then you won’t
If you do want to change, then this BLOG  will help you.

Having said the above is my framework, I may wander a little around within it 🙂 depending on interactions / comments and my intuition.

For those of you then, who like structure, there is one, for those of you who don’t, I may not always be rigidly following a specific path 🙂

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