What is the Journey we are all on?

Our Journey

We are born as Pure Awareness within.
We are not aware the journey, is to return to that.
We are driven to survive and have instincts to help us.
We are curious.
We are learning.

We are learning how to move, to stand, to walk, to eat, to drink, to run, to talk, to think.
We are operating in a hypnotic state, our brain’s waves are theta.
We are being taught, ‘programmed’ with knowledge, beliefs and skills.
We are experiencing emotions.
We are learning from our families’ and parents’ patterns and scripts.

We are becoming who they, consciously or not, are programming us to be.
We are driven by the need to survive.
We are fearful of abandonment the most.
We are learning patterns and scripts that become our life’s ‘drivers.’
We are learning and becoming more certain.

We are learning how to socialise with others.
We are learning what our culture is subliminally teaching.
We are evolving, our brain waves changing.
We are becoming more conscious.
We are becoming more and more certain of our ways of thinking.

We are living now as the illusory persona, the ego; we were taught to be.
We are not aware yet, of who we really are.
We are running our lives 95% in automatic as who we’ve learned to be.
We are now becoming vaguely aware this is not who we really are.
We are beginning to Wake Up, and know we need to change.

We are now searching for that change
We are searching Out There, where we were ‘programmed’ to search.
We are thinking the pathway to our growth, lies with others and Out There.
We are unaware that pathway lies within us.
We are unaware the pathway of our growth is to that Pure Awareness we were born with, within us. The Oneness.
We are unaware until we fully Wake Up.




How is the ‘Voyage’ progressing?

Sailing is an excellent metaphor for our lives, where the wind and the sea constitute the reality of our lives.

It may be for some of us, we stay close to shore, perhaps even choosing not to venture out of the harbour (yet).

Our ‘yacht’ is the ‘Self’ we created / built. If you like it is the ‘Self’ we learned / we were taught.

We are the sailor in charge of this ‘yacht.’

What starts to become apparent after we leave the harbour and set our course is, the more we respond to the wind and the waves, rather than react and try to ‘force’ our way forward, the more we begin to understand what the ‘yacht’ really needs us to do, in order to follow the course.

For example tacking, because that’s what the conditions demand – we cannot go straight there. What we also begin to realise is: ‘Oh its me, I’m in charge of this ‘yacht’, where it’s going and how well or badly it’s going to navigate there.’

We cannot make demands of the winds and waves to follow our bidding, we can only respond to what is.

This may also trigger us into thinking, perhaps this ‘yacht’ / ‘Self’ could use some design tweaks.

What are those?

How shall I incorporate them?

As we begin to recognise the ‘power’ of responding, we learn to let go of a lot of what we thought was required in life / what we learned.

Then we begin to unlearn and relearn, this time though with an inner wisdom that says all we can control is our attitude and our response.

Thus we learn to be at one with who we are and the fluidity of the life we have.

Life is 10% what happens and 90% how we deal with it.

Show up, connect, respond to what shows up.

As you think about being the one in control of your ‘Yacht.’

  • What are you doing well?
  • How clear are you  on what needs to improve?
  • What’s missing on the voyage?

What is the Journey of Life? A Conversation



“Surely the journey is about discovering who I am? Who I am becoming, yes that’s it, who am I becoming?”

“Who you are becoming? Perhaps it is much more about discovering who you are not. Unlearning what you have learned, unlearning the patterns that actually do not reflect who you TRULY are, in fact UNBECOMING and in doing that, who you truly are will emerge, from under all that you learned which is NOT you.”


You are the SCULPTOR.