Human Communication – Information and Energy?


As I watched a young Mum communicating with her daughter this morning an insight appeared. 

An insight around communication: When we communicate, 2 quantities (at least) are exchanged.

  • 1. A quantity of Information
  • 2. A quantity of Energy

We know in this world a huge amount about quantities of Information we exchange.

Not so much about the quantities of Energy. 

As I watched this young girl and her Mum I began to think about language and how we learn / acquire it. 

How do we learn for instance the word ‘Bad’ is bad? We could just as easily teach children the word ‘Good’ is bad. Or give meaning to the words right and wrong? 


What the young girl and all of us are hyper aware of is Energy. 

For me, the Energy is transmitted faster than the information and is received by us first. 

We resonate with this Energy and use it to frame the information that follows. When the Energy given off by the communicator is positive / loving as it was with Mum this morning, the young girl (using mirror Neurons?) creates an internal state of safety, being loved and associates that internal energy state with the information being exchanged. 

Primarily Humans communicate by Exchange of Energy. Information is secondary.

The Energy exchange will prime our brain about how to work with the information that follows, thus: 

If the Energy received is calm, caring, loving, positive then we mirror that state (safe) and associate with the following information exchanged, in a calm, caring, loving, positive way. 

If the Energy received is agitated, annoyed, angry, threatening, forcing, dominating etc. then we mirror that state and trigger a threat state within us (unsafe) and the information is received in a Fight / Flight / Freeze mode. 

When we communicate with animals it is the Energy that the dog, cat, horse, whatever, mirrors and uses to create the internal state within them. 

So when we learn the word ‘bad’ what we associate it with is the Energy transmitted, and make it mean unsafe, away from state and by the way then generate that Energy, when we communicate the word ‘bad’. 

When we learn the word ‘good’ what we associate it with is the Energy transmitted, and make it mean safe, towards state. 

I have just invented this word, Janjijanji. Is it a good word or a bad word? You won’t know until you receive my Energy when I say it to you. 

Remember Emotion, E-Motion = Energy in Motion 

Also Human Conductivity (the quality of connection between us) is created by the Energy exchange between us. 

Human communication the effective sharing of information between us is directly dependant on the Energy transmitted and received. The Energy is received first. 

The Energy we transmit is a function of the level of consciousness we are operating at. 

We have developed into the Information Age, we now must grow into the Human Energy age and the develop the same levels of understanding of Human Energy as we have of information.

There is a story to be told about this

How aware are you of:

  • The ambient Energy in an interaction – meeting?
  • The Energy that you are transmitting in varying contexts?
  • How you may control that Energy in given situations?

What is Emotion?

Oxford English Dictionary definition, Noun:- a strong feeling deriving from one’s circumstances, mood, or relationships with others.

Doesn’t really say it for me.
We first encounter emotion as a baby, a toddler, a child.
No-one really taught me anything about emotion, all I can remember is being told, I was a cry-baby and boys should not cry.

It is my belief, that a lot of issues in human life are caused because we do not really understand Emotion.

My definition:-

Emotion – E_Motion (Energy in Motion – Energy being transformed)

Where is it in Motion? Being transformed?

In our bodies.

It is triggered by Sensing.

Sport, Music, Dance, Theatre, Comedy, Sex, Food, Travel, Other People, Cinema, TV, Drinking, Art of all forms, Speed,  Reading, Writing, Poetry, Authoring, Creativity, Dentists, Doctors, Hospitals, Marriage, Divorce, Worship, Spirituality, Faith, Being with others to whom you are ‘connected,’  Birth, Illness, Death, Helping others, Being on Purpose, Collaboration with others, Sharing  and many, many other things are experienced by us, through our Senses.

  • Externally sourced, via these systems :-
  • Visual
  • Auditory
  • Kinaesthetic
  • Olfactory
  • Gustatory
  • Internally sourced :-
  • Conscious awareness of thought (a thought can trigger just as effectively as external sensing)
  • We become aware of the thought(s) generated by that trigger in our
  • As we become aware, we assign meaning to the thoughts (dependant on past experience(s))
  • That meaning then becomes something we label, using language, as a Feeling
  • That meaning becomes the Information which we bring together with the Energy (of the E_Motion) into our Consciousness
  • Now (using Biocentrism) we create Reality (our Individual Reality) when these three things come together
    • Energy, Information and Consciousness.

See (Biocentrism ~ Robert Lanza)             

The Arc of Uncertainty


What is this all about?

“The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition that impels us to unfold our powers.” Erich Fromm

In my thinking about certainty and the brain,  it has become clear to me, that :-

  • We are born – we are uncertain
  • We learn – we become certain
  • We learn – we become uncertain again

In other words as we learn, we become certain, about what we learn, for example, Santa Claus 🙂 ….and then no Santa Claus 🙁 then as parents 🙂

The brain uses what it learns to  predict, to be ‘certain’ about what will happen in reality and then how to deal with that.  See diagram below

As the diagram says, prediction is a primary function of the brain, using the experience it has built up, the Beliefs / Lenses it has laid down, about how to deal with reality.

Because our brain really does like to be certain and does not like being uncertain, it can become quite stubborn, in clinging on to its beliefs  , as you may recognise,when you are holding on to your Point of View as if your very life depended on you being right 🙂

You may notice, that there are many of us who are certain about many things, triggering this quote, “Beware the man who is certain, he is the cause of all the problems in  the world!”

If we reach (not all of us do), the second ‘age of uncertainty’ on the Arc, then we are ‘OK’ at that time, with being uncertain, exploring, learning and realising most of our ‘learned certainty’ before, was an illusion 🙂

Reality will do what it does, (it is what it is). You may believe you can control it (the illusion). You cannot.

The next time you react emotionally, see if you can notice who or what, you are trying to control? (Because you were ‘certain’ reality would do as you had predicted / believed it would and there was a mismatch)

As human beings, one of the main ways we stress, is by setting an expectation (prediction) that then, is not met 🙂

The level to which we stress, is directly proportional to the attachment we have to the outcome being the way we predicted 🙂

If you detect “should, must, have to, ought to,” in a sentence somewhere, then there will be levels of stress, when reality does what it does and outcomes do not match the expectations / predictions,  made by your brain

  • Where are you on the Arc?
  • How certain are you of that answer?
  • What are you currently trying to control in reality, that is stressing you?
  • What would it mean, for you, if your beliefs were just that, beliefs?
  • What changed (needs to change) in you, for you to be ok with reality being uncertain?