How do you make decisions? Deep analysis? Or like me, not so much. 😬

On the pathway to you becoming you, many decisions have been made, by others, by you.

Reality does what it does which triggers us to make a decision.

Did you ever consider how we make decisions?

If you are blessed with an analytical brain, then you most likely work with a well practiced process.

If not, then you may find this template useful for some (major?) decisions you and possibly you with others, have to make.

Decision Template

Stuff happens or doesn’t, It is what it is, do you ‘blame’ or…?

We do not know reality, what we know, is our representation of it. We build a representation in our head by way of the lenses of our beliefs and of course act as if our representation is right, it is the ‘truth.’

Reality of course does what it does, then if that does not match what we have represented in our heads, does not meet our expectations, we stress. The level to which we stress, is directly proportional to the attachment we have to our representation being true.

What we then tend to do is ‘blame,’ we blame others, things, the ‘stuff’ out there.

Is there a different way?

What if, instead of blaming we accepted the reality for what it is? Then deal with it.

This is a way to do that