This BLOG User Guide

As you read the BLOG, what I’d ask is for your patience and tolerance. Give the ideas and insights some time to sink in. Test them and work with them. Some of the concepts are easy to get, difficult to put into practice.

Think about the fact that, as described in the Knowledge Model, there is:-
• stuff you know you know about KK
• stuff you know you don’t know (for me, for example, I know I don’t know how to speak Japanese) KDK
• stuff you don’t know you know DKK
• and finally, the tricky one, stuff you don’t know you don’t know DKDK
As you go through you’ll probably hit all four, I’m sure some areas will spark your interest more than others. If that is so then you can do further research. The internet via Google or some other search engine will get you started.

Other Resources
I think the main areas I have used in my journey are:-
• Self help / personal growth
• Leadership
• Spiritual / personal growth
• Neuro Linguistic Programing (NLP)
• Neuroscience
• Relationship building and management

What I would also say, looking back on what I have read on my journey, is that I would use this BLOG  as a base or foundation, since it is not tied to a particular arena e.g. NLP, spiritual awakening etc it in fact will highlight where you may want more information.. Some of the books that have influenced me are :-

Living Magically —————————————————–Gill Edwards
o Ego deconstruct and linking psychology to spirituality
End the Struggle & dance with life———————————-Susan Jeffers
o “The road is smooth, why do you throw rocks before you?”
How to get what you want & want what you get———————-John Gray
o “God will not do for you what you can do for yourself”
Your best year yet—————————————————Jinny Ditzler
o How to be in control of the next year of your life and not a victim
The power is within you———————————————Louise L Hay
o Love yourself
The secret of creating your future————————-———-Tad James
o Seven frames for creating the future
Difficult conversations———————————————-Anne Dickson
o Effective communication
Changing belief systems with NLP————————-———-Robert Dilts
o Methods for belief change that work
I’m OK You’re OK——————————————-———-Thomas A Harris
o OK Corral, scripts, games people play, Parent -Adult- Child
Leadership and Self Deception————————————-Arbinger Institute
o In the Box, collusion
Everything Belongs————————————————-Richard Rohr
o Uncovering spirituality
Awareness ———————————————————Anthony De Mello
o Wake up, you’re sleeping through life!
Emotional intelligence———————————————Daniel Goleman
o Becoming self aware
The seat of the soul————————————————Gary Zukav
o Aligning Soul and personality
The Power of Now ————————————————-Eckhart Tolle
o Becoming spiritually aware
A New Earth ——————————————————-Eckhart Tolle
o More spiritually aware
Your Brain at Work ————————————————-David Rock
o About the brain and how it works
Coaching with the Brain in Mind ————————————David Rock
o Using knowledge of how the brain works in Coaching

Some other resources

Quiet Leadership————————————-David Rock
Introducing NLP ——————————-John Seymour et al
Chimp Paradox————————————-Steve Peters
I (Heart) me ————————————-David Hamilton
Thinking fast Thinking slow———————–Daniel Kahneman
Five Dysfunctions of a Team————————Patrick Lencioni
The Road less travelled ——————————M Scott Peck
Neuroscience of Leadership————————-Tara Swart et al
Type talk at work (Myers Briggs)———————–Otto Kreuger
Women’s Bodies Women’s Wisdom—————Dr Christian Nordrop Co-Active coaching——————-Whitworth Kimsey-House et al Coaching for performance———-——————–John Whitmore

Approach this BLOG with your mind operating in the same way a parachute does i.e. when it is open! Or maybe like the red kite, in a curious way, to see if this part of the book is ‘food’ for you.

Remember also, as King Solomon said, “There is nothing new under the sun.”

Structure of this BLOG

Ah yes, structure, again not my strength but necessary 🙂

The purpose of the BLOG is to share my wisdom, knowledge and experience gained over some 70 odd years, the last 25 of which I have worked as a Coach to Executives and many  other individuals. It is my experience that the problems people have are never about actual work, rather they are about people, ourselves and the others.

”Hell is other people” Jean-Paul Sartre

The diagram below is the high level structure, you will see it aligns with Emotional Intelligence, a dictionary definition :-

Emotional Intelligence – Noun :-

the capacity to be aware of, control, and express one’s emotions, and to handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically.

“emotional intelligence is the key to both personal and professional success”



This BLOG will be created  around these three relationships
• Relationship with Self
• Relationship with Others
• Relationship with God
o Note: you may know this as The Source, Essence, Purpose, That which is beyond, Connectedness, Being within all beings, The Universe, Alpha and Omega; there are many definitions. For the purposes of this BLOG I will use God.
If you have each of these relationships understood and working well, then your life will be happy and fulfilled.
If your life is currently not fulfilled in all aspects, then you will find that the ‘answer’ lies in one, two or all of these relationships.
This BLOG will be written using my  wisdom, experience and learning as a Coach and Facilitator, (roles I have held for the last twenty five years)
The insights etc. come from many disciplines, not just one school of thought.
If you like, they are a summation of what I have used to become the real me and what I have used with others to help them become themselves.
You can use the BLOG in many ways and I will endeavour  to appeal to different learning styles.
I have written it from the experience gained on my journey in life. You may want to be thinking of your unique journey as you read through it, perhaps with a focus on what you’ve come to believe about yourself, what patterns seem to be in your thinking and in your life?

Do you want to change anything?

Who changes you? Well, you do. You may be influenced by others, circumstances etc but it is you who changes you, When we ask how does that happen? It is in my experience, through insight, we have an aha moment, which may vary in intensity from a complete epiphany to ah, yes I can do it that way.
This leads me to a caveat covering personal change, in the form of a question
Q) How many psychologists  / coaches does it take to change a light bulb?
A) Only one, but the light bulb has to want to change!
If you do not want, or see any need to change anything then you won’t
If you do want to change, then this BLOG  will help you.

Having said the above is my framework, I may wander a little around within it 🙂 depending on interactions / comments and my intuition.

For those of you then, who like structure, there is one, for those of you who don’t, I may not always be rigidly following a specific path 🙂

What are Beliefs and Values?

As I said in a previous post, I came across this several years ago.

Everyone knows what a belief is until asked to define it. I thought about this for a long time and in the thinking the subject of Values came up also.

My definitions:-

A Belief is an internally held representation of a lens through which we perceive reality. It defines what is ‘true’ (for me) in any given context.

A Value is an internally held representation of a principle, used to determine who and how I am.

A value may be overridden in any given context e.g. My life is under immediate threat.

Values operate in a hierarchy.

The interesting thing here, is  people will perceive the same reality differently, because of what their lenses enable and disable in their perception e.g. internal biases. It is also true that when we hold a belief about something / someone, we will always have evidence to back that up, obtained via our lens 🙂

It is also my belief and as I said previously, the strongest belief we all hold from a young age is I am right, that beliefs are learned and hence can be unlearned or relearned

There is hope for the World.

I will come back to Beliefs and Values many times





A bit about me.

I will come back to the definition of a belief 😉

First though, a bit about me and my journey, in 2008 I started writing a book called “How to be me”, not finished. Eh, I’m not really a completer finisher..  What follows is built from my introduction in that document.

Warning about 1600 words long 🙂

Hello and welcome.
I’m watching a bird, a red kite, float effortlessly (it has a five to six feet wing span), above my garden in the Chiltern Hills, England and wondering, what is life like for him or her? I notice other birds flying past, which seem to be asking, “how come I have to flap like mad to stay in the air and you seem to be in such wonderful control?” The kite, just floating along, an occasional swoop to pick up carrion, or find out it wasn’t actually food, then gracefully back using the air to maximum advantage. It seems to me life as a red kite in the bird world is almost ideal, almost as if he were designed perfectly for his life.
I thought then about myself and how my life compares to the kite, graceful in movement? Maybe not, at the moment, I’m just a tad overweight, not quite got the balance of input and output that the kite has! Maybe though, I’m becoming graceful in other ways. What takes up the kite’s attention? Like me he has a brain, all be it smaller and less complex. There will be patterns locked in to that brain, just as there are patterns, locked into mine. I wonder if he finds all the patterns useful or like me, finds some of them not helpful. Actually since he is probably not consciously aware of his thinking as we are able to be, there will never be an answer. I imagine though, that his life is lived in the present moment (all there ever is) and he is not taken up by thought patterns referencing the past or future. That’s interesting, like Eckhart Tolle says in ‘Living a Life of Inner peace’, you cannot touch the past or the future, you can only construct patterns of thought about them. How much time do I spend in these patterns of past and future? Regretting or worrying, building up resentments, reliving past experiences, feeling bad or good about things, planning to do something in another moment that is not quite here yet.

What if I were perfectly designed for my life? How would I be thinking? What would I be doing? Where would I be? Who would I be with? What would I be feeling? What would I be caring about? What would be important to me? What would my purpose be? How would I know when I’m working ‘as designed’? Who designed me? What is it I need to do actually, to become me? How do I be me? What do I need to know?
The red kite of course, has probably not constructed any of these questions and has ‘learned’ just what she needed, in order to live her life out fully, almost instinctively. For humans, well yes, we also learned a lot of things by instinct and we learned lots of other things as well. We’ve also had the conscious experience of life to colour how we are.
It may be that we have as a human being, much more to ‘learn’ or perhaps ‘unlearn’, as we shall see, in order to become our complete and fulfilled selves. So that we ‘know’ we are complete and fulfilled. That is why; along with great support and help from my wife Gill, I have begun my writing.

The writings provide some pointers to ways of thinking, being and doing that will help you, as they have helped me and others, to become more fully themselves; working as designed.
I have to acknowledge that the insights and learnings I will share, were picked up over many years and I have had time to assimilate them. You are going to read them  and for sure think – “Yes I’ve read that somewhere else and it fits with what I know. Whoa, what’s he saying here? That doesn’t make sense. That’s really helpful. What on earth is he talking about? That’s ok for others maybe but it doesn’t apply to me. Well he’s just wrong there. Oh yes that’s good, I hadn’t thought of it like that before. “

I spent many years working with a large computer company. My first job was fixing hardware faults, i.e. where the computer itself is broken. My experience in that, taught that hardware will actually break, e.g. the electrical connection has physically parted from a component on a circuit board. The trick is how to find which board and which component. A printer no longer prints clearly may be due to an electronic failure e.g. a timing pulse arrives at the wrong time or a mechanical failure e.g. a clutch is slipping somewhere, or in fact many other reasons. I would say it was easier to fix a problem when we had what we called a ‘red light’ fault i.e. the machine had detected something wrong using its self checking capability and turned on a red light and stopped everything. These faults immediately caught the attention of the customer, who wants his system back, so payroll can run, otherwise none of the staff gets paid! When called to a fault like this, we could normally rule out a lot of things that were not causing the fault and focus on what the machine’s reasons were for turning on the light. It’s interesting to look at the thought patterns I produced, working to ‘fix’ things, mostly they are negative. I’d spend ages finding out what the fault wasn’t! This tended to spill over into other parts of life and created a cynical negative view. Then for one brief moment, positive affirmation, we’d found it, change this component and the red light went out, then on to the next customer and more looking at things that were not the fault! Faults are more difficult to ‘fix’ when the symptoms appear intermittently and I can remember conversations with computer operators in the middle of the night asking, “What kind of smell is it making? Or is it a high pitched kind of tinkling sound? Or a deep sort of more graunchy sound? Arrgh switch it off now.”
I did this for about twelve years or so and basically was bored, the diagnostic tests were getting better and better at telling us what to change or set up and the number of ‘interesting ‘ difficult faults were fewer, then I trained as a Program Support Rep or Engineer fixing software.

Well, a whole different world, software does not actually break. You can’t touch it or smell it or feel it. Each fault that it suffers from is a design fault, i.e. the person who wrote it hadn’t for example, considered a specific set of circumstances arising and therefore not written the code in a way that would deal with the circumstances adequately. This was much more of a challenge to ‘fix’ and stretched my thinking way more than the hardware. It was also during this time that I received some very telling feedback.

A wise Manager called me into his office one day and said, “Robin, you know, you are a very passionate man with very strong views and opinions, trouble is, they’re all negative. I can’t use negative, how about you use your power positively and help me, by bringing solutions rather than problems .” It was like a bright light turned on inside my mind. Why was I so negative? The years of ‘fixing’ problems and being focused constantly on negativity, broken machines, software not doing what it should, i.e. this is not the fault, had conditioned my mind – laid down thinking strategies, great for fixing hardware and software problems, not great in relationships with people. I began to change, slowly at first, so my engineer mates didn’t think I’d become some kind of Manager’s lapdog. As I did so, I found the power of a positive attitude.

Moving into a more specialist role, in the early 1990s, I began to work with managers and leaders and started noticing the effect of what they did and said, on my fellow engineers; although some of the effect was good, an awful lot of it was not. Now I really started to get interested in people.
One thing I learned was, people are many times more complex than any hardware or software system, we have in the world today and they have feelings and emotions and they lie!

Here, then was my vocation, I began training as a Coach and Facilitator and used these skills to help leaders, managers, teams work in ways that brings out the best from people. That was 25 years ago and I’ve been practicing  ever since. I’ve now left the large corporation and work independently as a leadership coach,
I’m telling you this about me, so you can understand a bit about how I got here and why I’m writing.

I want everyone who can, to be the best that they can be and hence the title of the BLOG “How did you become You”  / “How did I become Me”.

What is a belief?

A very interesting question I came upon, several years ago. What is a belief?

Beliefs are a major driver of our thinking and behaviour.

When beliefs, for example, political, are in alignment then we link with others who are similar.

In a previous post, I talked about a belief we all hold, learned , in my view, early in life viz. “I am right”

You may notice this in politics 🙂

I have a definition of a belief ( See here ) and it is right of course 🙂 I’m interested in yours.

Please add your answer in comments below

What is a belief? Not what you do with them, or how they ‘shape’ thinking and behaviour, or how they get expressed, just simply:-

What is a belief?